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Cooperation in the Field of Telecommunications
Cooperation in the Field of Telecommunications
GCC Achievements
Economic Cooperation
Cooperation in the Field of Telecommunications
Currently selected
Several achievements have been attained in the telecom field over the past years. These achievements can be summed up as follows:
• The Permanent Committee for Telecommunication established in the Gulf region (excluding the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in 1970 has been merged with the GCC Secretariat General. Its internal statute was approved by the Supreme Council in 1985.
• Completing the study on integration among the GCC States in the field of telecommunications
• Interconnecting the GCC States through optical fiber cables
• Expanding the GCC local networks to accommodate the ending and transiting GCC traffic.
• Unification of several training programs in the field of telecommunications and application of such programs at the institutes and colleges.
• Conducting a specialized technical study of the nature of dissemination of waves in the Arabian Gulf region and impacts of the phenomenon of air passages on the dissemination of waves in the Gulf region. The study has relied upon metrological information of the GCC States for a period of ten years which resulted in an arithmetical model of the dissemination of wireless waves in the Arabian Gulf region.
• Organizing several joint courses by the telecom institutes, colleges and centers and admitting many GCC trainees into these courses.
• Offering many scholarships to GCC citizens.
• Establishing the GCC Group within the Board of Directors of the Maritime Satellite Organization.
• Preparation of a plan for the GCC States for distribution and use of terrestrial digital TV channels and coordinating in this regard with the neighboring States (Iraq, Yemen and Iran). This plan has been approved and registered with the International Telecommunication Union at the Regional Conference on Terrestrial Digital Television Channels in 2006.
• Formation of the GCC Group at the Governing Council of Intelsat.
• Adopting the GSM system across all Member States.
• Adopting a mechanism of operation for second and third generation networks of mobile telephone in border regions among the GCC States, to prevent mutual interference in these networks in border regions among the GCC States.
• Adopting the Service Restoration Plan (Emergency) in the telecom field among the GCC States
• Offering discounts in all telecom service rates during night hours, Fridays and official holidays across Member States.
• Reducing fees and prices of telecom services.
• Approving mechanism of operating the systems used in broadband in the border areas, among the GCC States.
• Application of the principle that the sender retains all the revenues (S.K.A) upon accounting.
• Reducing the inter-calculation rates with such countries that apply high rates, through the working team which has made collective (group) visits to those countries
• Organizing a number of specialized forums about the effects of the WTO Agreement on Telecommunications and Post.
• Reducing the inter-calculation rates for the telephone roaming among the GCC States.
• Formation of a joint team among the competent authorities in the GCC States and representatives of the United States’ Department of Defense, and agreeing on the mechanism of operating portable radars on the American vessels and vessels of the allied forces present in the Arabian Gulf region, together with specifying the ranges within which they may operate, in order to avoid any interference by these radars in the telecommunications services of the GCC States.
• Finalization of the direct interconnection between the Internet networks at the GCC Member States due to the economic benefits thereof, the information security and specification of the names and domains of the GCC Internet scopes, enhancement in the local content of the internet network and making efforts for Arabization of the internet data.
• Adopting the methodology developed by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, provided that such methodology shall be adopted as a GCC basis for Arabizing the bands and sites.
• Adopting a mechanism to coordinate the use of (FM) radio channels among the GCC States and neighboring States in the Arabian Gulf region, that contain technical specifications that must be adhered to when operating these channels, in order to avoid any interferences among them.
• Coordinating and unification of positions in international forums in posts and telecommunications fields.
• Completing the links among the GCC Member States through optical fiber cables. Such links have now become integral and highly efficient.
• Intensifying the exploitation of the GCC transit centers for passing the intra-GCC surplus movement and that outgoing to other non-GCC countries.
• Adopting commercial and preferential discounts for the intra-GCC transit rates that are conforming to the technical and pricing benefit. The transit prices applied among the GCC States should be consistent with the price and technical feature.
• Agreement on the regulating mechanism for operation of (TETRA) Networks in border regions among the GCC States. It has been agreed upon to unify the ranges designations for these network for commercial and security uses.
• Opening national markets at the GCC Member States for competition and the access of GCC companies in this field.
• Approving the construction of CERTs to address accidents and response thereto at the time of occurrence at various levels, and establishing a cooperative network among the CERTs for the exchange of information and the technologies of information security on the Internet.
• Offering discounts on the rates collected from users, which conforms to the discount on the inter-calculating rates.
• Formation of a team of concerned authorities of the GCC States to crystalize the unified viewpoint toward the topics presented to the international telecommunication conferences, which have direct impact on the telecommunication services in the GCC States.
• Organizing a number of specialized courses and workshops in management, use and monitoring of spectrum and cases of health and environment and their relationship with the telecomm services.
• Agreement on unification of ranges used in the operational communications among the GCC railway network of the GCC State.
• Application of the “CAMEL” feature to the networks in question, taking into account the latest applications of this feature.
• The GCC Member States have become members in some international organizations such as International Telecom Union, Universal Postal Union, as well as the Investment Council of the International Telecom Union.
• Coordination and registration of a number of frequencies required by the GCC for the service of aviation, with International Civil Aviation Organization.
• Setting rules governing the licensing of ground stations on the surface buoys in the GCC States.
• Adopting a plan for the GCC States for mass movement from analogue TV broadcasting to digital broadcasting, together with specifying time schedule and technology to be used.
• Adoption of the MOU on Express Courier among GCC member States
• Organizing the GCC Joint Post Stamps Exhibition in Member States every year according to the alphabetical order
• Offering preferential discount postal rates for all printed matters published at Member States and a discount postal rate among Member States
• The approval to reduce the compensation amount in case of non-conformity of the postal parcel exchanges of the express post among Member States
• The issuance of a Unified GCC Stamp on the GCC 25th anniversary
• Participation of Member States in the International Stamp Exhibition under the name of “ The GCC Postal Group”
• Adopting group purchasing of the post materials and equipment
• Starting to promote and market the new express post product under a new name "GULF EX" and approval of slab system in its tariff.
• Reducing roaming prices among the GCC States by more than 50%.
• Finalization of a study on preparation of common law governing the work of companies working in the field of express courier, and parcels in the GCC States and its internal bylaw.
• establishing an express post courier among GCC Member States
• Membership of all the three sectors of International Telecommunication Union i.e., Radio, telecommunication development, telecommunication standardization sector, and participation in conferences organized by these sectors to follow up the interest of GCC States.
• Continuous coordination with the permanent Arab Working Group of spectrum emanating from the Arab World league for unification of positions on the topics presented to the international conferences specialized in telecom.
• Implementation of a number of joint field measurements in border region among the GCC States, to specify percentage of mutual interferences and coverage exceeding borders by mobile phone networks and special broadband network, and setting proper solutions to stop them.
• Coordinating with International Telecommunication Union to define satellite networks which can affect the GCC States when they operated and submitting objection on them to the Union.
• Coordination among the GCC States to stop the mutual interference on the frequencies used by the Member States and wireless services through holding coordinative meetings.
• Designation of frequencies for the GCC States for fixed and mobile services and coordinating them with other Member States to avoid any interferences.
• Agreeing on the regulating bylaw governing licensing and use of short-range wireless devices.