General Secretariat – Jakarta

His Excellency Mr Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), met with Their Excellencies the Ambassadors of the GCC States in the Republic of Indonesia, as part of his official visit to the capital Jakarta, today, Tuesday (July 30, 2024).

During the meeting, HE the Secretary General presented to Their Excellencies the Ambassadors a briefing on the progress of joint Gulf action and the recent achievements of the Council. Views were also exchanged on the best ways to enhance bilateral relations between the GCC States and Indonesia, including discussions on exploring new opportunities to enhance trade and investment exchange between both sides.

His Excellency also praised the prominent role and valuable efforts made by the GCC diplomatic missions in the Republic of Indonesia to expand the horizons of cooperation in various fields between the two sides, in a way that supports strategic partnerships and achieves common interests.

For their part, Their Excellencies the Ambassadors expressed their welcome and appreciation for this meeting, and praised the efforts made by the Cooperation Council to enhance Gulf cooperation at the regional and international levels, while at the same time stressing their constant endeavour to work together to achieve the common Gulf goals and develop strategic partnerships, in a way that contributes to achieving sustainable development and common prosperity for the GCC countries.​