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Several joint projects have been set up that have contributed to the development of the GCC joint action in these fields, with private sector’s contribution in certain cases. The most important projects are the following:

The Seeds and Seedling Company, Riyadh
Breeding Poultry Company, Riyadh
Utilization of the services provided by the Viral Disease Diagnosis Lab and the Veterinary Vaccinations Lab; both labs belong to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will soon provide their services to other GCC States.
The project for manufacturing the poultry and dairy equipment at Fujairah.
Establishing a model agricultural project at UAE
Conducting a comprehensive survey of the prawn fishing
A comprehensive survey of the sea bottom fish is currently being prepared
A project for the observation of the Can'ad fish through the geographical information system has been completed
The agreement on unified tariffs of the agricultural and veterinary quarantines at GCC border points
Specifying the ports of entry for the agricultural and animal products in implementation of the requirements of the customs union.
The Palm Research Project
All Rights Reserved to the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Secretariat General 2016